.1. 下载组件

## 必须下载
### Cloudera Manager

### CDH

## 按需下载

## 部署MySQL需要

.2. 部署安装

.2.1. 配置文件 – config.ini : cloudera-scm-agent需要

# Configuration file for cloudera-scm-agent.
# Please note that this file supports multi-line values.  Multi-line
# values are indicated by indenting following lines with a space.
# If you have whitespace in front of a parameter name, it will be
# read as a continuation of the previous parameter value.  Please
# be careful not to leave spaces in front of parameter names.
# To check if this file has spaces in front of parameters names
# you can do a grep like this:
#  grep '^[[:blank:]]' /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini

# Hostname of the CM server.
server_host={{ groups['CDM'][0] }}

# Port that the CM server is listening on.

## It should not normally be necessary to modify these.
# Port that the CM agent should listen on.
# listening_port=9000

# IP Address that the CM agent should listen on.
# listening_ip=

# Hostname that the CM agent reports as its hostname. If unset, will be
# obtained in code through something like this:
#   python -c 'import socket; \
#              print socket.getfqdn(), \
#                    socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn())'
# listening_hostname=

# An alternate hostname to report as the hostname for this host in CM.
# Useful when this agent is behind a load balancer or proxy and all
# inbound communication must connect through that proxy.
# reported_hostname=

# Port that supervisord should listen on.
# NB: This only takes effect if supervisord is restarted.
# supervisord_port=19001

# Log file.  The supervisord log file will be placed into
# the same directory.  Note that if the agent is being started via the
# init.d script, /var/log/cloudera-scm-agent/cloudera-scm-agent.out will
# also have a small amount of output (from before logging is initialized).
# log_file=/var/log/cloudera-scm-agent/cloudera-scm-agent.log

# Persistent state directory.  Directory to store CM agent state that
# persists across instances of the agent process and system reboots.
# Particularly, the agent's UUID is stored here.
# lib_dir=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent

# Parcel directory.  Unpacked parcels will be stored in this directory.
# Downloaded parcels will be stored in <parcel_dir>/../parcel-cache
# parcel_dir=/opt/cloudera/parcels

# Enable supervisord event monitoring.  Used in eager heartbeating, amongst
# other things.
# enable_supervisord_events=true

# Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for all metric collectors to finish
# collecting data.

# Maximum time to wait (in seconds) when connecting to a local role's
# webserver to fetch metrics.

# Maximum time to wait (in seconds) when connecting to a local TaskTracker
# to fetch task attempt data.

# The list of non-device (nodev) filesystem types which will be monitored.

# The list of filesystem types which are considered local for monitoring purposes.
# These filesystems are combined with the other local filesystem types found in
# /proc/filesystems

# The largest size impala profile log bundle that this agent will serve to the
# CM server. If the CM server requests more than this amount, the bundle will
# be limited to this size. All instances of this limit being hit are logged to
# the agent log.

# The largest size stacks log bundle that this agent will serve to the CM
# server. If the CM server requests more than this amount, the bundle will be
# limited to this size. All instances of this limit being hit are logged to the
# agent log.

# The size to which the uncompressed portion of a stacks log can grow before it
# is rotated. The log will then be compressed during rotation.

# The orphan process directory staleness threshold. If a diretory is more stale
# than this amount of seconds, CM agent will remove it.

# The orphan process directory refresh interval. The CM agent will check the
# staleness of the orphan processes config directory every this amount of
# seconds.

# A knob to control the agent logging level. The options are listed as follows:
# 1) DEBUG (set the agent logging level to 'logging.DEBUG')
# 2) INFO (set the agent logging level to 'logging.INFO')

# The DNS resolution collecion interval in seconds. A java base test program
# will be executed with at most this frequency to collect java DNS resolution
# metrics. The test program is only executed if the associated health test,
# Host DNS Resolution, is enabled.

# The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the java test program to collect
# java DNS resolution metrics.

# The directory location in which the agent-wide kerberos credential cache
# will be created.
# agent_wide_credential_cache_location=/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent

# Use TLS and certificate validation when connecting to the CM server.

# The maximum allowed depth of the certificate chain returned by the peer.
# The default value of 9 matches the default specified in openssl's
# SSL_CTX_set_verify.

# A file of CA certificates in PEM format. The file can contain several CA
# certificates identified by
# ... (CA certificate in base64 encoding) ...
# sequences. Before, between, and after the certificates text is allowed which
# can be used e.g. for descriptions of the certificates.
# The file is loaded once, the first time an HTTPS connection is attempted. A
# restart of the agent is required to pick up changes to the file.
# Note that if neither verify_cert_file or verify_cert_dir is set, certificate
# verification will not be performed.
# verify_cert_file=

# Directory containing CA certificates in PEM format. The files each contain one
# CA certificate. The files are looked up by the CA subject name hash value,
# which must hence be available. If more than one CA certificate with the same
# name hash value exist, the extension must be different (e.g. 9d66eef0.0,
# 9d66eef0.1 etc). The search is performed in the ordering of the extension
# number, regardless of other properties of the certificates. Use the c_rehash
# utility to create the necessary links.
# The certificates in the directory are only looked up when required, e.g. when
# building the certificate chain or when actually performing the verification
# of a peer certificate. The contents of the directory can thus be changed
# without an agent restart.
# When looking up CA certificates, the verify_cert_file is first searched, then
# those in the directory. Certificate matching is done based on the subject name,
# the key identifier (if present), and the serial number as taken from the
# certificate to be verified. If these data do not match, the next certificate
# will be tried. If a first certificate matching the parameters is found, the
# verification process will be performed; no other certificates for the same
# parameters will be searched in case of failure.
# Note that if neither verify_cert_file or verify_cert_dir is set, certificate
# verification will not be performed.
# verify_cert_dir=

# PEM file containing client private key.
# client_key_file=

# A command to run which returns the client private key password on stdout
# client_keypw_cmd=

# If client_keypw_cmd isn't specified, instead a text file containing
# the client private key password can be used.
# client_keypw_file=

# PEM file containing client certificate.
# client_cert_file=

## Location of Hadoop files.  These are the CDH locations when installed by
## packages.  Unused when CDH is installed by parcels.

## Location of Cloudera Management Services files.

## Location of JDBC Drivers.
#By default, postgres jar is found dynamically in $MGMT_HOME/lib

# This section lists paths that agent will use to figure out resource allocation
# If not specified then agent will use the cgroup that agent process is part of
# Note: do not add /sys/fs/cgroup in the path. cgroups mounted inside container will
# be used to figure out the subsystems.

.2.2. db.properties : cloudera-scm-server 需要

# Copyright (c) 2012 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This file describes the database connection.

# The database type
# Currently 'mysql', 'postgresql' and 'oracle' are valid databases.

# The database host
# If a non standard port is needed, use 'hostname:port'
com.cloudera.cmf.db.host={{ groups['MySQL'][0] }}

# The database name
com.cloudera.cmf.db.name={{ cmd_db_name }}

# The database user
com.cloudera.cmf.db.user={{ root_user }}

# The database user's password
com.cloudera.cmf.db.password={{ root_password }}

# The db setup type
# After fresh install it is set to INIT
# and will be changed post config.
# If scm-server uses Embedded DB then it is set to EMBEDDED
# If scm-server uses External DB then it is set to EXTERNAL
com.cloudera.cmf.db.setupType=EXTERNAL ## external with mysql

.3. 部署编排

- hosts: CDM:Common
  - name: copy hosts
        src: confs/hosts
        dest: /etc/hosts

  - name: set hostname
    hostname: name={{ inventory_hostname }}

  - name: copy oracle-jdk1.8
        src: confs/oracle-j2sdk1.8-1.8.0+update181-1.x86_64.rpm 
        dest: /tmp/oracle-j2sdk1.8-1.8.0+update181-1.x86_64.rpm 

  - name: install oracle-jdk1.8
    shell: rpm -Uvh --replacepkgs  /tmp/oracle-j2sdk1.8-1.8.0+update181-1.x86_64.rpm 

  - name: install rpcbind
    shell: yum install -y rpcbind
    ignore_errors: true

  - name: set java_home
        path: /etc/profile
        line: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java
        state: absent
  - name: install needed packages
    shell: yum install cyrus-sasl-gssapi fuse fuse-libs httpd mod_ssl openssl-devel python-psycopg2 MySQL-python -y

  - name: configure each-cred
    shell: echo -e "y\ny\n" | ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -C "" -N ""

  - name: cat ssh-key auths
    shell: cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
    register: id_rsa

  - name: touch authorized_keys
    shell: |
        echo "" > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
        chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

  - name: set public-keys to each nodes
        path: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
        line: "{{ hostvars[item].id_rsa.stdout }}"
        state: present
        - "{{ groups['Common'] | union(groups['CDM']) | unique }}"

- hosts: CDM
  - name: make sure mysql-connector exists
    shell: mkdir -p /usr/share/java

  - name: copy mysql-connector
        src: confs/mysql-connector-java.jar
        dest: /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar

  - name: copy files
        src: "confs/{{ item }}"
        dest: "/tmp/{{ item }}"
        - cloudera-manager-daemons-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-server-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-server-db-2-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-agent-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm

  - name: install rpm
    shell: rpm -Uvh --replacepkgs /tmp/{{ item }}
        - cloudera-manager-daemons-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-server-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-server-db-2-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-agent-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm

  - name: create target directory
        path: /opt/cloudera/parcels
        state: directory
        owner: cloudera-scm

  - name: copy parcells file
        src: "confs/cdh/{{ item }}"
        dest: "/opt/cloudera/parcels/{{ item }}"
        - CDH-6.2.0-1.cdh6.2.0.p0.967373-el7.parcel.sha
        - CDH-6.2.0-1.cdh6.2.0.p0.967373-el7.parcel.sha256
        - manifest.json
        - CDH-6.2.0-1.cdh6.2.0.p0.967373-el7.parcel

  - name: copy template files
        src: confs/db.properties
        dest: /etc/cloudera-scm-server/db.properties

- hosts: Common
  - name: copy files
        src: "confs/{{ item }}"
        dest: "/tmp/{{ item }}"
        - cloudera-manager-daemons-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-agent-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm

  - name: install rpm
    shell: rpm -Uvh --replacepkgs /tmp/{{ item }}
        - cloudera-manager-daemons-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm
        - cloudera-manager-agent-6.2.0-968826.el7.x86_64.rpm

- hosts: CDM:Common
  - name: configure client conf
        src: confs/config.ini
        dest: /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini

  - name: configure ntpd service
    include: ntpd.yml ## 公网或公司服务

.4. 其他补充

.4.1. 创建MySQL数据库

CREATE DATABASE mydatabase CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

.4.2. 初始化SCM数据库

/opt/cloudera/cm/schema/scm_prepare_database.sh \
  -h[MySQL Host/IP] \
  -P 3306 \
  -u [Admin User Name] \
  -p[Admin User Password]  \
  mysql scm scm "Scm@123456"  -f

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